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 Donna Jo "D.J." Margaret Tanner-Fuller

Donna Jo (D.J.) Margaret Tanner is Danny's eldest daughter. She was 10 years old when the original series began and 18 at the show's end. D.J. is the only Tanner girl seen in all three levels of school in the original show; elementary, middle, and high school where she attends Frasier Street Elementary School, Van Atta Junior High and Bayview High School through the show's run. She shared a room with Stephanie at the beginning of the show, but switched rooms with Michelle in season five to have more privacy. Some very controversial episode topics involving D.J was when she showed warning signs of anorexia, and her being caught with a beer in her hand at age 13. After experiencing the usual preteen junior high boy-craziness, D.J. had her first serious relationship with Steve, who was first introduced in season five. Their relationship became a real fixture in her life, beginning in the sixth season when their characters return from a summer abroad in Spain, and lasted until halfway through season seven, when they realize they do not have much in common anymore, and decide to end their relationship. During the show's final season, D.J. has on-off relationships with guitarist Viper as well as rich-kid Nelson. But in the very last episode, Steve and D.J. are reunited for her senior prom.
When we meet up again with D.J, now D.J Tanner-Fuller, she is a recently widowed veterinarian and the mother of three young boys; Jackson, Max and baby Tommy Jr. After the sudden death of her husband, Tommy, who was following his hazardous duties as a firefighter, D.J. has been taking refuge back at the Tanner House until she can figure things out. Initially too proud to admit she is struggling to find stability and balance within her life, she finally accepts the help of Stephanie and Kimmy to move in and help her out. The original house now belongs to D.J. and the Fuller boys, making it the Fuller House. D.J is portrayed as a very caring and loving, strict but fair, and somewhat uptight mom. Not too far from her dad Danny's qualities. Life gets interesting for D.J. when she meets Matt Harmon, a new doctor at the vet clinic, and reunites romanticly with her ex, Steve Hale. Both men are single and interested in her and both are vying for her affection. D.J. herself has been undecided as she likes both men. She announces she has to take some time for herself to decide at the end of season 1. This further complicates things when both Matt and Steve get girlfriends. Although D.J and Matt eventally start to date. She also helps Steve propose to his girlfriend C.J. But as a twist it is revealed at the end of season 2 that she would have chosen Steve.

 Stephanie Judith Tanner

Stephanie Judith Tanner is the middle daughter. She is 5 years old when the series begins and 13 when it ends. She is the typical "precocious" child, far too cute for her own good, particularly in the early seasons. Her catchphrases of 'How rude!' and 'Well, pin a rose on your nose!' were heard frequently in the show's early years. Stephanie loves spying on older sister D.J.'s life (such as reading her diary and eavesdropping on telephone calls) and is generally the nosiest of the Tanner girls. She attends Frasier Street Elementary School and DiMaggio Junior High during the shows run. Stephanie shares a room with D.J during the first four seasons, and then with Michelle from season five. She is portrayed as very perky, and somewhat quirky about being the middle child at times. During season five, we learn that Stephanie is a very talented dancer, which gets the best of her while caught up in it, and she decides it's not for her to do it professionally as she first thought. During the show's seventh season she starts junior high, much to her scare and discontent. But her best friend in junior high becomes against all odds Gia Mahan, who was originally her biggest enemy at the beginning of junior high. They get into a lot of various pre-teen/teenage exploits together. Of all the Tanner children, Stephanie has dealt with the hardest issues, such as teenage smoking, 'make-out' parties, and witnessing child abuse.
When we now are reintroduced to her, Stephanie steps into a role similar to that which her Uncle Jesse played in Full House. She moves in with her recently widowed sibling in order to help raise the three children that D.J. is now left to raise as a single parent after her husband dies. Also like Jesse, music is also a big part of Stephanie's life. Stephanie has a successful DJ career, under the name 'DJ Tanner', but despite having a party girl life-style, she ultimately learned she wanted more stability. She truly adores her awesome nephews Jackson, Max, and Tommy Jr. It is revealed that Stephanie found out she was infertile and unable to have children a while back, and now really wants to settle down and start a family. Struggling with the idea of never able to have a family of her own, Stephanie takes some comfort that she's helping D.J. raise her boys as she attempts to find someone herself. She randomly dates during, but suddenly finds herself in a serious relationship with Kimmy's quirky and sweet brother, Jimmy. She start focusing more on her own music and songwriting, leading her to slowly start an artist career. Stephanie and Jimmy decide to to have a baby using Kimmy as their surrogate.

 Kimmy Gibbler

The character Kimmy was mention in the first episode of Full House but not shown until the show's third episode! And you might ask what is the character Kimmy all about. Kimmy Gibbler is D.J.'s best friend. At the start of the series she is 10 years old, the same age as D.J was. Kimmy lives nextdoor to the Tanner family, much to their discontent at times. She usually doesn't think too well, wich is the reason D.J. and Kimmy (after being in the same class from Kindergarten untill 5th grade) got split up when D.J. was put in the advanced class. Kimmy can be annoying to anyone of the Tanners, especially Jesse and Danny. And Kimmy and Stephaine always have something to say to each other, usually an insult. Kimmy outfits can be really unusal and she always make sure that she will stand out from the others. She can be pretty stupid, and sometimes a smart allec who you would think nothing bothers, but in some episodes Kimmy do shows feelings. For example in the episode where D.J. forgot Kimmy's 16th Birthday when D.J. accuses Kimmy of being jealous of D.J. boyfriend Steve. Kimmy is described as "silly" and that her feet smells horrible. The Tanner family usually found Kimmy to be a burden, except for D.J. of course. She was the the typical pesky next door neighbour. 
When we catch up with Kimmy again now she is the owner of an event party planning business, named Gibbler Styles Party Planning. Also in between, Kimmy Gibbler got married to Argentinian race-car driver, Fernando Hernandez Guerrero Fernandez-Guerrero, and the two have a daughter together, Ramona. Unfortunately, Fernando wasn't a loyal husband and Kimmy has caught him cheating on her multiple times, prompting her to divorce him. However, despite the multiple infidelities, Kimmy still has feelings for Fernando and he tries very hard to win Kimmy back. When it is revealed Stephanie is unabe to have children, Kimmy decide to be there for Stephanie and be her and Jimmy's surrogate. Kimmy's storyline during season 4 therefor focuses mostly on her pregnancy.

 Jackson Fuller

Jackson is the eldest son of D.J. Tanner-Fuller and the late Tommy Fuller, Sr. Like his brother, Max, Jackson is actually very bright, though it's not very apparent as he's a very laidback person. He sees right through most of his mother's sneaky behavior when she is trying to 'butter him up' to soften the blow of bad news. In 'The Not-So-Great Escape', he displays a proficiency in chemistry as he confidently mixes up a solution that will cause smoke, and set off the sprinkler system and fire alarm in science class. He also displays a certain level of compassion, as this act is meant to be a distraction for Ramona's escape attempt whom he is helping even though he does not particularly like her. Jackson is interested in motorcycles, as he questions Jesse about his motorcycle experiences as a child, and expresses his frustration over not being allowed to have one of his own. Jackson has a crush on Ramona's best friend Lola, but for the most part has enjoyed only limited success in cultivating a relationship with her. Before Ramona and Lola became friends, he barely existed in her eyes, and after the incident in science class, Lola remembers him as the one who ruined her volcano project by setting off the sprinkler system. After buying her a signed Giants jersey and dancing next to her at Ramona's birthday party, things seemed to be looking up for him. In the season one finale, when Jackson requests a goodbye hug, Lola opts instead for a kiss. While hardly more than a simple peck on the lips, this is Jackson's first kiss. Ramona has a history of antagonizing Jackson, which dates back at least as far as his 6th birthday. To a certain extent, Ramona is something of an arch rival in his eyes. However, Ramona helps Jackson with his crush, Lola, and he is very grateful and seems open to being friends. In season two, Jackson helps Ramona aswell, when Booby Popko posts a horrible video of her. Bobby Popko is Jackson's best friend. Their friendship is similar to D.J. and Kimmy's friendship. In this case, however, Bobby actually creates dangerous situations for the boys, whereas Kimmy is mostly seen as weird, annoying, rude and clueless. Bobby also gets along with Jackson's younger brother Max, while Kimmy never got along with Stephanie when they were kids, although exchanging quips with each other was something they expected.

 Max Fuller

Jackson is the eldest son of D.J. Tanner-Fuller and the late Tommy Fuller, Sr. 
Max is the seven-years old middle child of the Fuller family at the start of the show. Max loves dogs (especially puppies) and science. Just like Stephanie used to be at his age, Max is also a very precocious child. He is constantly striving to bond with his older brother, Jackson, who loves him but often gets annoyed with him and doesn't want to admit that they love each other. Jackson and Max share rooms, and Max loves this, no matter how much Jackson may not. Max is a very considerably smart kid and is a straight-A student. He is seen constantly pushing himself to be the best he can be. Max also seems to take after hid Grandpa Danny in that he's got O.C.D. just like him. He takes tremendous pride in keeping his room tidy, his shirt tucked in and has already mastered the art of hospital corners. He has a dog named Cosmo, which is the kin of Comet from the original Full House series from the 80's and 90's. He is sometimes called Comet Jr. Jr. Jr. because he is the great-grandchild of Comet. Max absolutely adores him. Max also has a girlfriend called Rose. Their relationship is mostly prett cute and innocent, though some obsticles are frequently thrown in their way to test them. Weather it be ex-friends, disputing mothers or running for class president against eachother. Max was born on April 28th, 2008 and is currently an 4th grade elementary school student. He has been nicknamed Mighty Max by Stephanie.

 Ramona Gibbler

Ramona is the daughter of Kimmy Gibbler and Fernando Guerrero. She is 12 years old at the beginning of season 1 of Fuller House, and has her 13th birthday party in the episode 'Ramona's Not-So-Epic Party'. Being half Gibbler, Ramona displays some of the odd quirks her mother is known for. Additionally, she is fluent in Spanish, having learned the language from her Argentinian father, Fernando. Lola is the first friend Ramona made at Van Atta Middle School (thanks to Jackson's antics and her attempt to ditch school), and she is the first of Ramona's friends to visit the Tanner House. She appears to be growing into a best friend role, much the way Kimmy was to D.J. on Full House. Jackson seems to be her enemy turned best friend. He helps her out, as shown when Bobby Popko makes her a hippo video and bullies her. Jackson stands up for her. It is also said that the two are almost like brother and sister, as they squabble and look out for each over as siblings would. Ramonas biggest dream is to become a professional dancer, and get to see lot of attempts to reach her dream during the show. She auditions for an amazing dance teacher and aswell for S.A.F.S.P.A (San Francisco School Of The Performing Arts), where she initially receives a spot, but later backs out. She also has her own youtube channel called 'Ramona's world', where she frequently videoblog.

 Tommy Fuller

Thomas Daniel "Tommy" Fuller, Jr. is the youngest son of D.J. Tanner Fuller and the late Tommy Fuller, Sr. Tommy is a toddler with blonde hair like his mother and brown eyes like his father. He is around 6 months old at the start of the show, and is currently 3 years old during the 4th season. He is always seen doing cute stuff with Cosmo. Tommy is not too talkative, but always very sweet. It is likely that he will attend a prestigious preschool, Centre For Discovery. It is revealed in season 3 thar he is a bit behind in his language skills, but it has been said that he can improve with the help of a speech therapist.


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